Read more than you ever thought you wanted to know about the back story of the book!
The School and Library Journal recently wrote a feature on me & the book.
My lovely publicist at L,B set up a blog tour for me, where various blogs posted interviews about me and Where the Mountain Meets the Moon.
Wednesday, June 24th: Bildungsroman
Thursday, June 25th: Shelf Elf
Friday, June 26th: Paper Tigers
Saturday, June 27th: MotherReader
Sunday, June 28th: Charlotte's Library
Monday, June 29th: Write for a Reader
Tuesday, June 30th: The Mommy Files (with a book giveaway!)
Wednesday, July 1st: Thrifty Minnesota Mama(with book giveaway!)
Thursday, July 2nd: Creative Madness
Friday, July 3rd: Abby the Librarian
And more!
Review at Bookpage
Career, Craft & Cheer on Cynsations
Soup of the Day at Jama Rattigan's Alphabet Soup
Book of Color Pick of the Day at Galley Cat
Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast